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R. Manduchi, Learning Outdoor Color Classification from Just One Training Image, in Proc. European Conf. Computer Vision, 2004.
A. P. Charaniya, Manduchi, R., and Lodha, S. K., Supervised Parametric Classification of Aerial LiDAR Data, in Proceedings of the IEEE Workshop on Real Time 3D Sensor and Their Use, Washington, DC, USA, 2004, p. 30.
D. Yuan and Manduchi, R., A Tool for Range Sensing and Environment Discovery for the Blind, in Proceedings of the IEEE Workshop on Real–Time 3D Sensor and Their Use, Washington, DC, 2004.
X. Lu and Manduchi, R., Wide Baseline Feature Matching Using the Cross-Epipolar Ordering Constraint, in IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, Los Alamitos, CA, USA, 2004, vol. 1, pp. 16-23.
L. Matthies, Bergh, C., Castano, A., Macedo, J., and Manduchi, R., Obstacle Detection in Foliage with Ladar and Radar, in Proceedings of ISRR, 2003, pp. 291-300.
X. Shi and Manduchi, R., A Study on Bayes Feature Fusion for Image Classification, in Proceedings of the IEEE Workshop on Statistical Analysis in Computer Vision, Madison, Wisconsin, 2003.
R. Turchetto and Manduchi, R., Visual curb localization for autonomous navigation, in Proceedings of the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2003), 2003, vol. 2, pp. 1336–1342.
A. Talukder, Manduchi, R., Castano, R., Owens, K., Matthies, L., Castano, A., and Hogg, R., Autonomous terrain characterisation and modelling for dynamic control of unmanned vehicles, in Proceedings of the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and System (IROS 2002), 2002, vol. 1, pp. 708–713.
A. Talukder, Manduchi, R., Rankin, A., and Matthies, L., Fast and reliable obstacle detection and segmentation for cross-country navigation, in Proceedings of the IEEE Intelligent Vehicle Symposium (IVS 02), 2002, vol. 2, pp. 610–618.
K. Obraczka, Manduchi, R., and Garcia-Luna-Aveces, J. J., Managing the Information Flow in Visual Sensor Networks, in Symposium on Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications, 2002, pp. 1177–1181.
A. E. Johnson and Manduchi, R., Probabilistic 3D Data Fusion for Adaptive Resolution Surface Generation, in International Symposium on 3D Data Processing Visualization and Transmission, Padova, Italy, 2002, p. 578.
