Ryan Crabb

Real-time foreground segmentation via range and color imaging

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This paper describes a real-time method for foreground/background segmentation of a color video sequence based primarily on range data of a time-of-flight sensor. This method uses depth information of a TOF-sensor paired with a high resolution color video camera to efficiently segment foreground from background in a two-step process. First a trimap is produced using only range data: areas are located in each frame that have a high probability of being background or foreground, respectively.

Real-time Foreground Segmentation via Range and Color Imaging

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R. Crabb, C. Tracey, A. Puranik, J. Davis, "Real-time Foreground Segmentation via Range and Color Imaging", in Proc. CVPR Workshop on Time of Flight Camera Based Computer Vision, 2008. [pdf]

Representing Images Using Non-Orthogonal Binary Bases

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Feng Tang, Ryan Crabb, and Hai Tao, "Representing Images Using Nonorthogonal Harr-Like Bases," IEEE Trans. Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (PAMI) vol. 29, no. 12, pp. 2120-2134, Dec. 2007 [pdf]

Non-orthogonal binary subspace and its applications in computer vision

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Hai Tao, Ryan Crabb, and Feng Tang, "Non-orthogonal binary subspace and its applications in computer vision", in Proc. IEEE ICCV, October 2005. (PDF)