Two-dimensional IFIR structures using generalized factorizable filters

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Publications by year: 
R. Manduchi, "Two-dimensional IFIR structures using generalized factorizable filters," Circuits and Systems II: Analog and Digital Signal, IEEE Transactions on, 1997.

Coding of MPEG-4 facial animation parameters

Publications by author: 
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Publications by year: 
Hai Tao, Homer H. Chen, Wei Wu, and Thomas Huang, "Coding of MPEG-4 facial animation parameters," Proc. Int. Workshop on Synthetic and Natrual Hybrid Coding and 3-D Imaging, pp. 241-244, Rhodes, Greece, September 1997. (DOC/GZ)

Facial feature tracking under varying pose using Bayesian nets

Publications by author: 
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Publications by year: 
Hai Tao, Ricardo Lopez, and Thomas S. Huang, "Facial feature tracking under varying pose using Bayesian nets," Proc. Int. Workshop on Coding Techniques for Very Low Bit-rate Video, VLBV97, Linkoping, Sweden, July 1997.

Motion patterns in face animation

Publications by author: 
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Publications by year: 
Hai Tao and Thomas S. Huang, "Motion patterns in face animation," Proc. IJCAI Workshop on Animated Interface Agents: Make Them Intelligent, Nagoya, Japan, August 1997.

Modeling spatial-temporal patterns in facial articulation

Publications by author: 
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Publications by year: 
Hai Tao and Thomas S. Huang, "Modeling spatial-temporal patterns in facial articulation," Proc. IEEE CVPR'97 Workshop on Nonrigid and Articulated Motion, pp. 54-60, June 1997. (ZIP)

Analysis and compression of facial animation parameter set (FAPs)

Publications by author: 
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Publications by year: 
Hai Tao, Homer H. Chen, and Thomas S. Huang, "Analysis and compression of facial animation parameter set (FAPs)," Proc. IEEE Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing, MMSP97, pp. 245-250, June 1997. (PS/GZ)

Color Image edge detection using cluster analysis

Publications by author: 
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Publications by year: 
Hai Tao and Thomas S. Huang, "Color Image edge detection using cluster analysis," Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Image Processing, ICIP97, vol. I, pp. 834-836, October 1997. (PS/GZ)