Congratulations to Yunqian who was selected as one of the Best Presentation Awards in IPIN 2024 for his paper
Title | An algorithm for multiple object trajectory tracking |
Publication Type | Conference Paper |
Year of Publication | 2004 |
Authors | Han, M, Xu, W, Tao, H, Gong, Y |
Conference Name | IEEE CVPR 2004 |
Date Published | June-2 July |
Keywords | MAP solution, hidden Markov models, joint state observation probability, likelihood computation, maximum a posteriori solution, maximum likelihood sequence estimation, multiobject configuration, multiple object trajectory tracking, object detection, object detection map, object state estimation, observation model, optimal state sequence estimation, pixel wise object detection scores, probabilistic framework, probability, state estimation, temporal distractions, tracking Hidden Markov model |
DOI | 10.1109/CVPR.2004.1315122 |
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