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S. Qin and Manduchi, R., A Fast and Robust Text Spotter, in IEEE Winter Conference on Computer Vision (WACV 2016), 2016.
G. Flores and Manduchi, R., WeAllWalk: An Annotated Data Set of Inertial Sensor Time Series from Blind Walkers, in Proceedings of the 18th International ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers and Accessibility (ASSETS 2016), 2016.
A. Rituerto, Manduchi, R., Murillo, A., and Guerrero, J. J., 3D Spatial Layout Propagation in a Video Sequence, in International Conference on Image Analysis and Recognition (ICIAR 2014), 2014.
G. Flores, Manduchi, R., and Zenteno, E., Ariadne’s Thread: Robust Turn Detection for Path Back-Tracing Using the iPhone, in International Conference on Ubiquitous Positioning, Indoor Navigation and Location-Based Services (UPINLBS 2014), 2014.
H. Bagherinia and Manduchi, R., Color Barcode Decoding in the Presence of Specular Reflection, in 4th Color and Photometry in Computer Vision Workshop, 2014.
R. Manduchi and Coughlan, J., The Last Meter: Blind Visual Guidance to a Target, Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. 2014.
H. Bagherinia and Manduchi, R., A Novel Approach for Color Barcode Decoding Using Smartphones, in IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP 2014), 2014.
C. Kim and Manduchi, R., Planar Structures from Line Correspondences in a Manhattan World, in 12th Asian Conference on Computer Vision (ACCV 2014), 2014.
R. Crabb and Manduchi, R., Probabilistic Phase Unwrapping for Single-Frequency Time-of-Flight Range Cameras, in International Conference on 3D Vision (3DV 14), 2014.
G. Flores, Cizdziel, B., Manduchi, R., Obraczka, K., Do, J., Esser, T., and Kurniawan, S., Transit Information Access for Persons with Visual or Cognitive Impairments, Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Computers Helping People with Special Needs. 2014.
